As much as you want to have a beautiful, healthy-looking smile, there is something about your smile that you are not happy with. While your teeth look white, straight and healthy, your gums do not have the healthy-looking pink color that you think they should have. You have noticed that your gums seem to be a darker color, perhaps redder or almost black, and the look can be upsetting to you. The look may even cause you to smile less and less and feel insecure about the way you look. You should know that dark gums are a common occurrence and the condition is treatable. When you visit Dr. Alex Farnoosh, you can experience gum whitening in Los Angeles that will restore the look of your gums and let your smile shine.
What Causes Dark Gums?
You may wonder just why you have this type of discoloration of the gums in the first place. Dark gums can be the result of different medications that you may take, from smoking or it may be something genetic for you. Many people of certain ethnic heritage are prone to having darker gum pigment. The discoloration does not necessarily indicate that your gums are unhealthy, or something is wrong, but it is always a good idea to go to visit a specialist to have your gums examined to make sure everything is okay. Once you can determine the cause of the issue, you can then move forward with proper treatment.
A New Process That Works
In the past, the gum whitening in Los Angeles that was available was not always an effective process. People would undergo a process where the gum tissue was excised away, leading to a painful recovery and the dark tissues inevitably would come back. Dr. Farnoosh has created a revolutionary method that combines gum bleaching with a dermabrasion treatment that removes all of the discolored tissue and provides permanent results.
Set Up a Consultation
If you would like to experience gum whitening in Los Angeles that gives you permanent results, take the time to call our office at 310-928-1796 and arrange an appointment with Dr. Alex Farnoosh. Dr. Farnoosh will meet with you and perform a thorough exam and then explore all of the options available to you for treatment so you can get the quality results you want that leave with the bright smile you desire.