While many people deal with dark gums issues on a regular basis, few seem to realize that there are treatments available that can be of help. A lot of people suffer in silence, smiling less and less all of the time because they think people will notice their darker gum tissue. In many cases, dark gums are not because of anything you may have done yourself. Often they are because of genetics or the result of medications that you may take for other health issues. Whatever the reasons are for the problem, it is good to know that there is a fascinating and highly effective dark gums treatment in Los Angeles thanks to the efforts of Dr. Alex Farnoosh.
Traditional Methods Yield Spotty Results
There have been treatments available for dark gums for many years now, but the treatments used in the past by many cosmetic dentists often yielded spotty results at best. The surgical methods used to cut away gum tissue to reveal the pink tissue underneath were quite painful for patients and simply led to the dark tissue growing back over time. The use of lasers was introduced into treatment, and they have proven to be effective, but again, in many cases the dark gums returned after a time, leaving patients to have to go back again and again for more treatment.
A Revolutionary Treatment That Works
At our practice, Dr. Alex Farnoosh has come with a revolutionary and effective dark gums treatment in Los Angeles. Dr. Farnoosh has been using his gum bleaching with dermabrasion technique for almost twenty-five years and has treated thousands of patients over that time. The technique is simple, easy, and non-invasive and provides a permanent solution to dark gums. The bleaching treatment lightens the tissue, and then a special dermabrasion technique is used to remove any spots or discolored areas, so the darkness does not return.
Learn if You are a Candidate
To find out if you are a good candidate for this breakthrough dark gums treatment in Los Angeles, take the time to call us at the office of Dr. Alex Farnoosh at 310-928-1796. You can learn about the treatment and the services we provide by visiting our website at www.dark-gums.com, and you can also contact us through the webpage, and we will get back in touch with you as soon as possible to answer any questions or help you set up an appointment for your treatment.