While most people immediately think about the condition and look of their teeth when they think of their smile, the way your gums look can also affect how your smile looks overall. We have all become accustomed to the idea that pink gums are a sign of healthy gums so when we notice that the color of our gums looks different, we may fly into a panic. There can be people that have darker gum tissue, and this can lead to some concerns about the look of your gums and your health. There are steps you can take to do something about black gums, but you should know a few facts first before you make any final decisions.
Different Reasons for Dark Gums
If you have noticed that you have dark-colored gums, you may want to consider the causes before you look for treatment. Some people with particular ethnic backgrounds are more prone to darker gum color as a result of genetics. Others may get dark gums as a side effect of medication they use or because they are smokers. Still, others may have gums this color because of particular medical or dental issues. It is always a good idea to talk to a periodontist about your gums and get an exam so you can determine the cause before you seek a solution.
Treatments are Available
There are several treatments available to deal with black gums, and the type of treatment you seek can determine the effectiveness of the results. Typical treatments in the past involved the excision of the dark gum tissue. This involves a surgical procedure and could be quite painful to recover from. Lasers were then used for the procedure to make things better, but the procedure is still invasive and is not permanent. At our dental practice at the office of Dr. Alex Farnoosh, we use a unique gum bleaching procedure combined with dermabrasion to lighten the gum tissue, scrub away dark spots and leave you with pink gums that are permanent for you.
Come to Us for an Exam
The first step to take when you are concerned about black gums is to call us at the office of Dr. Alex Farnoosh and arrange for an exam. You can reach our office at 310-928-1796 and speak to a member of our staff to schedule an appointment with Dr. Farnoosh. He will perform a thorough exam and present you with the best treatment options available so that you can get the look to your gums that you desire.